Contact Us | KRM Enterprises

Available 7 Days A Week

Contact KRM

Mailing Address

P.O. BOX 25047

Memphis TN 38125


(901) 292-0175

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 25047

Memphis, TN 38125

Office Hours

By Appointment Only


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Common Questions

What type (In Person, Phone or Virtual) of consultation appointment should I schedule?

The answer depending on your needs. Your location and the amount of flexibility you have will also be a factor. Schedule the type of appointment that works best for you and your lifestlye.

What is the difference between coaching and consulting?

Business coaching is geared towards experienced business owners. Business owners sometimes have all the tools in place but need help with how best to implement that tool into the existing business. Strategy is the key to best execution.

Business consulting handles a wide variety of issues from how to get started to more complex issues requiring specialized expertise.

If you still are not sure what you need, it is best to schedule a hour consultation.

what happens if I am late or no show to an appointment?

Late appointments are not rescheduled or extended unless KRME is at fault. Clients can only receive the balance of the time allot the appointment when the client is late.

If a client is a no show for their appointment time for any reason, the client will not be allowed to rebook an appointment for a period of 6 months.

Please remember there are absolutely no refunds.

Will you do the work for me?

The short answer to that is no. A consultant is there to guide, not be a personal assistant. There will be some opportunities to work together on special projects or to assist in obtaining information that requires a computer and telephone. Those add-on services will have an additional cost and be at the discretion of the consultant.

What is your refund policy?

Consulting and strategizing is not an exact science. Some methods work while other methods may not. Business is an ongoing learning experience.  KRME does not give an implied or express written warranties or guarantees for the advice given. There are absolutely no refunds provided for any services rendered!

How do I maximize my results?

Being busy does not mean you are being productive. Have an open mind that is ready for change. Ninety percent of the effort and implementation of  any small business strategy comes from the actions and resources of the owner.